Stress, how to win


In todays life, each and every person is suffering  from stress and anxiety. Everyone seems happy, faking their stress with fake face mask.

Stress we can divide into two types.

1. Mental Stress:

This type of stress further can be divided into two types.

i. Permanent Stress: 

A permanent stress is the stress where the person suffers with some guilt or sorrow due to some kind of accident happened in past life. In this the person always keep fear or an abnormal activity. The suffering person doesn't opens up with the unknown people except friends and family. He/she never live the life as freely as others do. Medical approach and help of family and friends somewhat gives relief and a little bit guidance with medicines makes their life at least a little bit healthy.

ii. Normal stress:

  In everyday life it's impossible to avoid stress. like stress of job, stress of work pressure, stress of scheduling everyday work, etc. This type of stress has a timespan and after a certain period of time it goes away and is replaced by other current situations of life.

2. Physical or body stress

This type of stress is common in people associated with heavy duty work or jobs. Labor jobs, army, ground staff, cleaning jobs, etc.

Both mental or physical types of stress are not good for body. A totally fit person keeps a balance between stress and everyday routine to enjoy the life. Mental stress also can get relieved by doing meditation or diverting the mind to other tasks that the person love to do like music or painting.

Physical or body stress can get a permanent relief by practicing yoga  and mediation. Medication and other therapies also can give a big relief in body stress.

Keep always in mind that taking stress is an essential job of body and mind. Without taking stress one cannot learn anything new. Even if newborn babies don't stress and cry mother don't feed.
